“Where have all the candidates gone?!” (are screaming most Travel Management Companies right now).
They’re trying to hire and just don’t seem to be able to find people to fill those much needed roles.
So it’s a very valid question isn’t it?
From a travel recruitment perspective, we’re seeing a huge shift in the market from 18 months ago. We were absolutely swamped daily with Business Travel experts and a multitude of other travel professionals whose roles had been made redundant and were facing an uncertain future at the hands of the Covid19 pandemic.
Fast forward to 2022 and what’s the story now?
Well, those people of 2020 fought.
Fought hard.
Fought to find another career path, battled through interviews with limited experience in a new field, pushed themselves out of their comfort zone and struggled with the thought they may never return to travel.
- Some of them are fantastically happy in their new sectors and are thriving.
- Some have returned to their old companies and are re-adjusting to life in travel.
- Some have joined new companies who started hiring a few months ago in preparation for a busy year.
- And some, well, they’re still deciding what to do.
So, when our clients ask us on a regular basis:
“What’s the market like?”
“I might need someone in a couple of months.. should I start looking now?”
“I’ve been advertising…why isn’t anyone applying?!”
“I’m not sure there’s any talent left… is there?”
We can answer them all in a heartbeat.
The market is tough. Competitive. Skills are in demand and people have a choice. You need to be decisive, offer an attractive package, listen to individual needs and understand that people will NOT take less than what they are worth.
If you need to employ in a couple of months, start NOW. If you find someone immediately, amazing. Take that hit of a couple of months of salary to secure the right person.
Relying on adverts is like closing your eyes and keeping your fingers crossed that the right person sees it! You need a multi channel approach to recruitment, including using specialised recruitment agencies such as ourselves.
There is SO much talent out there. You just have to be receptive to the idea that talent is appearing in a different way. If you try and constantly replace people like for like, you’re fishing from a very small pool (along with everyone else) and will most definitely miss out on a diverse range of staff who could bring a fresh perspective to your business.
** Remember, the value in using a recruiter is that we have a unique window in to the job seekers world. We hear about their experiences, their wants and needs, far more than any employer ever does. We can help guide you in your recruitment journey, saving you a huge amount of time and wasted energy **
So don’t just stick out an advert and wait for the applications to come rolling in!
Speak to us, get an insight in to the market and then, should you decide to enlist our help, we’ll chat you through what we do and how we do it.

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